For a while now, I’ve wanted to make a definitive list of my favorite things for each season. Starting with springtime felt like the right decision. The first signs of blossoms on the trees, birds waking me up in the morning, bouts of greenery appearing behind every corner. Spring is as fleeting as autumn, two seasons that we count in weeks instead of months. So I hope you enjoy hearing about my spring favorites!


Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice, my spring favorites movie

Normally, I would keep these two categories separate. But when it comes to Pride and Prejudice, it’s an easy pick. While I love all of Austen’s novels, the Pride and Prejudice book together with the 2005 film version makes for a perfect combination. Inevitably, I always come back to her novels during springtime. There’s just something about reading them outside under a blossoming tree. And the cinematography of this movie adaptation accurately portrays the British countryside in springtime. Just thinking about it makes me want to rewatch it now!


When it comes to my musical spring favorites, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. But while setting up this playlist, I found myself searching for certain kinds of songs. The soft, seemingly sad ones that figuratively or literally change into powerful songs that stay with you. I just love songs that slowly build toward an impressive crescendo!


flea markets, my spring favorites activity

Since most flea markets in Belgium are situated outside, it’s always more pleasant to visit when the weather is nice. There is nothing better than getting up early and being there when everything is still being loaded out of trucks. It’s the perfect hour for discovering little treasures that make our home unique.


By now I know every possible floral place nearby our home. In fact, I still try to look out for new spots each year. Every spring I look forward to all of them blooming at different times and chasing after those blossoms with my camera. Basically, any place where there are blossoms is my go-to place!


Even though I never talk about clothes here, the fact is that I’ve always had a preference for vintage clothes. But I’ll explain that in more detail in another blog post. Primarily, I am utterly obsessed with movies from the 1930s and 1940s which is noticeable in my wardrobe. When spring comes around, all of my delicate vintage garments seem to go so well with all the blossoms. And there’s nothing I love more than planning photo shoots revolving around vintage garments!

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